We had a great santa and after everything was opened and those presents that we begged for had been played with we went to moms and the kids found what Santa had left there. A low and behold Santa had left me a new camera YAY! Thank you Santa! The only thing that was missing was Ya Ya, Poppy and uncle crash. I hate not having them close :(
We rang in the new year with a group of some of our closest friends. Had a blast and want to thank everyone for coming and making our new year FANTASTIC! Thanks for all the yummy food and fireworks! One of the funnest nights ever. Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Christmas at the Diffees
Cyber Christmas with Ya Ya ,Poppy and Uncle Crash
All he wanted from Santa was a new gun. He was really excited to find it Christmas morning
Addies favorite gift from Santa
Our new years eve fire starters
Princess Adelhei in her party dress
Had a great time with my girls